22 research outputs found

    Muhlenbergia schreberi J. F. Gmel (Poaceae), a new naturalized species in Croatia

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    Muhlenbergia schreberi, nimblewill, is a widespread North American perennial grass species, slowly spreading in European countries, where it has been recorded in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and Slovenia. In addition, a well naturalized population was discovered in Opatija (Northwestern Croatia, Croatian Littoral) in 2011 as described herein. It has been recognized as a persistent weed in some North American states, and in the last few decades its secondary European distribution range has been slowly increasing. Thus most probably it will also spread in Croatia and become classified as invasive

    Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh., nova biljna vrsta za floru Hrvatske

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    Rumex thyrsiflorus has been recorded for the first time in the territory of Croatia. Several localities have been found around Varaždin (N Croatia). Its occurrence in this region can be explained by the expansion of its area of distribution from the central Europe towards the south. Superficially it is quite similar to R. acetosa from which it can be easily distinguished by its longer tap-root, narrower and longer leaf blades and denser inflorescence.Rumex thyrsiflorus has been recorded for the first time in the territory of Croatia. Several localities have been found around Varaždin (N Croatia). Its occurrence in this region can be explained by the expansion of its area of distribution from the central Europe towards the south. Superficially it is quite similar to R. acetosa from which it can be easily distinguished by its longer tap-root, narrower and longer leaf blades and denser inflorescence

    Alien water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) outcompeted native macrophytes and altered the ecological conditions of a Sava oxbow lake (SE Slovenia)

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    Introduction of an invasive alien macrophyte water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) radically changed the oxbow lake in Prilipe (SE Slovenia) which has thermal springs that enables the winter survival of this tropical invader. About 10 years after the first record of P. stratiotes, the number, abundance and biomass of indigenous and non-indigenous macrophytes as well as different abiotic parameters were measured. In that period, colonized sections (~94% of the oxbow lake) were completely covered with water lettuce, and the only reservoirs of indigenous macrophyte species were the non-colonized areas (6%). Research in 2011 found only a third of the previously recorded indigenous macrophytes, but then only in small section without P. stratiotes. Three of the species that disappeared were on the Red data list. In the colonized section a higher biomass was observed than in the non-colonized section because of high abundance of water lettuce which remained the only macrophyte. Due to the presence of P. stratiotes, the intensity of light penetrating into the depth and water circulation were reduced, as was the oxygen saturation of the water. In addition to the well documented vegetative propagation of P. stratiotes, a well-established and viable seed bank has been detected in the lake sediment and after winter floods also on lake banks. In the future, special attention should be given to the thermal water ecosystems in temperate climates since they can serve as stepping stones and recruitment centres for the establishment and spread of (sub-)tropical invasive species. Facing predicted climate change such local populations of invasive species can act as stepping stones for further dispersal

    Myosotis refracta Boiss. (Boraginaceae), an unexpected forget-me-not in the Slovene flora

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    Myosotis refracta Boiss. is reported as a new and unexpected finding for the Slovene flora. The species was found in three collections stored in the Herbarium LJU from south-east Slovenia, in the Kolpa river valley bordering Croatia. All plants thrived under overhanging dolomite rocks. On account of an earlier misidentification, the respective plant community had been described as the association Arabido alpinae- Myosotidetum strictae Accetto 2008, which is here corrected to Arabido alpinae-Myosotidetum refractae Accetto 2008 corr. Strgulc KrajŔek, Accetto & Jogan 2016. Myosotis refracta has a disjunct Mediterranean southwest Asian distribution. The reported new localities extend its known range more than 500 km in north-west direction, from its nearest known occurrences on the southern Balkan peninsula

    Revizija rodova Epilobium i Chamerion u hrvatskim herbarima ZA i ZAHO

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    Epilobium (s. lat.) herbarium material in two major Croatian herbaria ZA and ZAHO was revised. The results of the revision of over 400 herbarium sheets confirmed the occurrence of 13 species already reported for Croatia and only slightly changed their known distribution patterns. However two species previously reported for Croatia and represented also by some herbarium sheets turned out to be wrongly determined, the results being that there is now no reliable confirmation of E. alsinifolium and E. alpestre from the territory of Croatia. Summarized results of the revision are also presented and they demonstrate the comparably good level of correctly determined material in the studied herbaria (but with some taxa much less reliably determined) and an alarmingly low state of collecting activity in the last decades.Revidiran je herbarski materijal Epilobium (s. lat.) iz dva velika hrvatska herbara ZA i ZAHO. Rezultati revizije viÅ”e od 400 herbarskih listova su potvrdili prisutnost 13 vrsta već poznatih za Hrvatsku i samo poneÅ”to promijenili njihovu rasprostranjenost. Dvije vrste prethodno zabilježene za Hrvatsku te prisutne nekim herbarskim listovima, pokazale su se krivo determinirane, pa tako zasad nema utemeljene potvrde za prisutnost E. alsinifolium i E. alpestre na teritoriju Hrvatske. Rad donosi sveukupne rezultate revizije, koji pokazuju relativno dobru razinu ispravno determiniranog materijala u obrađivanim herbarima (s nekim mnogo manje pouzdano determiniranim svojtama) i alarmantno slabu sakupljačku aktivnost zadnjih desetljeća

    Synecology of Cutandia maritma (L.) Barbey, a rare psammophytc species along the Montenegrin Coast (East Adriatc Coast)

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    Cutandia maritima is a circum-Mediterranean species that inhabits sandy dunesalong the coast line. It is fairly frequent on the western Adriatic coast but fairlyrare and possibly even non-native in the east. In Croatia, it was discovered in1990 in Crnika Bay on the island of Rab, which was considered until 2005 to bethe only site on the eastern Adriatic coast from the Gulf of Trieste in the northto Corfu in the south. In 2009, the species was brieļ¬‚y reported for Velika plaža(Long Beach) in Ulcinj (Montenegro) but without details about the habitattype and synecology. Te aim of this paper is thus to provide a deeper insightinto the ecology and synecology of C. maritima in the eastern Adriatic part ofthe distribution area. On Velika plaža in Ulcinj, the species was found along thewhole sea-inland gradient of sand dunes, in various types of vegetation: [1210]ā€“ annual vegetation of drift lines, [2110] ā€“ embryonic shifting dunes, [2120]ā€“ shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes), [2220] ā€“ dunes withEuphorbia terracina, [2130*] ā€“ fxed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation(grey dunes), and also [2190] ā€“ humid dune slacks

    The global naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database

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    This dataset provides the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database, ver-sion 1.2. Glo NAF represents a data compendium on th e occurrence and identit y of naturalizedalien vascular plant taxa across geographic regions (e.g. countries, states, provinces, districts,islands) around the globe. The dataset includes 13,939 taxa and covers 1,029 regions (including381 islands). The dataset is based on 210 data sources. For each ta x on-b y-region combination, wepr ovide information on whether the tax on is consider ed to be naturalized in the specific region(i.e. has established self-sustaining popula tions in the wild). Non-native taxa are marked asā€œalienā€, when it is not clear whether they are naturalized. To facilitate alignment with other plantdatabases, we pro v ide f or each taxon the name as given in the original data source and the stan-dardized taxon and family names used by The Plant List Version 1.1 (http://www.theplantlist.org/). We pro vide an ESRI shapefile including polygons f or each region and informa tion on whetherit is an island or a mainland region, the country and the Taxonomic Databases Working Group(TDWG) regions it is part of (TDWG levels 1ā€“4). We also provide several variables that can beused to filter the data according to quality and completeness of alien taxon lists, which varyamong the combinations of regions and da ta sources. A pre vious version of the GloNAF dataset(version 1.1) has already been used in several studies on, for example, historical spatial flows oftaxa between continents and geographical patterns and determinants of naturalization across dif-ferent taxonomic groups. We intend the updated and expanded GloNAF version presented hereto be a global resource useful for studying plant inv asions and changes in biodiversity from regio-nal to global scales. We release these data into the public domain under a Crea ti ve CommonsZer o license waiver (https://creati v ecommons.org/share-y our -work/public-domain/cc0/). Wheny ou use the da ta in your publication, we request that y ou cite this da ta paper. If GloN AF is amajor part of the data analyzed in your study, you should consider inviting the GloNAF coreteam (see Metadata S1: Originators in the Overall project description) as collaborators. If youplan to use the GloNAF dataset, we encourage y ou to contact the GloNAF core team to checkwhether there have been recent updates of the dataset, and whether similar analyses are already ongoing

    Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh., nova biljna vrsta za floru Hrvatske

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    Rumex thyrsiflorus has been recorded for the first time in the territory of Croatia. Several localities have been found around Varaždin (N Croatia). Its occurrence in this region can be explained by the expansion of its area of distribution from the central Europe towards the south. Superficially it is quite similar to R. acetosa from which it can be easily distinguished by its longer tap-root, narrower and longer leaf blades and denser inflorescence.Rumex thyrsiflorus has been recorded for the first time in the territory of Croatia. Several localities have been found around Varaždin (N Croatia). Its occurrence in this region can be explained by the expansion of its area of distribution from the central Europe towards the south. Superficially it is quite similar to R. acetosa from which it can be easily distinguished by its longer tap-root, narrower and longer leaf blades and denser inflorescence

    Vegetacija termofilnih gaženih staniŔta u Kvarnerskom zaljevu

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    The vegetation of thermophilic trampled habitats was sampled in the Bay of Kvarner according to the standard procedures of the Braun- Blanquet method. The following associations were determined: Polycarpo-Amaranthetum deflexi Pignatti 1953, Euphorbio-Oxalidetum corniculatae Lorenzoni 1964, Euphorbietum maculatae Poldini 1989, Eleusinetum indicae Pignatti 1953. Among them a new association was described: Catapodio loliacei-Herniarietum rotundifoliae ass. nova. The Euphorbia prostrata community, Trifolium repens community, and the Cynodon dactylon community were not assigned to the association. The ordination diagram (Princoor program) shows the main differences among the communities. On the first axis, there is a gradient from the most thermophilic Cynodontetum dactylon comm. and Catapodio-Herniarietum to the more mesophilous and less trampled Polycarpo-Amaranthetum and Cynodon dactylon community to all other communities with more Eragrostietalia elements.The vegetation of thermophilic trampled habitats was sampled in the Bay of Kvarner according to the standard procedures of the Braun- Blanquet method. The following associations were determined: Polycarpo-Amaranthetum deflexi Pignatti 1953, Euphorbio-Oxalidetum corniculatae Lorenzoni 1964, Euphorbietum maculatae Poldini 1989, Eleusinetum indicae Pignatti 1953. Among them a new association was described: Catapodio loliacei-Herniarietum rotundifoliae ass. nova. The Euphorbia prostrata community, Trifolium repens community, and the Cynodon dactylon community were not assigned to the association. The ordination diagram (Princoor program) shows the main differences among the communities. On the first axis, there is a gradient from the most thermophilic Cynodontetum dactylon comm. and Catapodio-Herniarietum to the more mesophilous and less trampled Polycarpo-Amaranthetum and Cynodon dactylon community to all other communities with more Eragrostietalia elements

    Yellow goatsbeard Tragopogon dubius Scop. (Asteraceae)

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    Tragopogon dubius is a species native to SW Slovenia and with several dubious records in central and eastern parts of the country. Its locus classicus is in SW Slovenia at Senožeče, but there is a slight doubt about the type description as no herbarium material has been preserved. All records (and herbarium vouchers in University of Ljubljana\u27s (LJU) collection) of the species from continental Slovenia have been critically assessed, but none of them has proved to be reliable. Three new recently discovered records linked to the railways in central and E Slovenia are presented and discussed.Tragopogon dubius je v submediteranskem delu Slovenije avtohtona vrsta s peŔčico nezanesljivih navedb o njenem pojavljanju v osrednji in vzhodni Sloveniji. Njeno klasično nahajaliŔče je pri Senožečah, a Ŕe vedno obstaja rahel dvom o ustreznosti imena, saj ni ohranjen Scopolijev herbarijski material. Vse starejŔe navedbe, skupaj s herbarijskim materialom v herbarijski zbirki Ljubljanske univerze (LJU), o pojavljanju vrste v kontinentalnem delu Slovenije so bile kritično pregledane in prav nobena izmed njih se ni pokazala kot zanesljiva. Dodane pa so tri nove nedavne najdbe ob železnici v osrednji in vzhodni Sloveniji